Cycling the Dongfeng Railway Green Corridor
September 25, 2018

We were lucky enough on our most recent visit to Taiwan to cycle the Dongfeng Railway Green Corridor, it is the first cycle path to be transformed from an disused railway line and it runs alongside the Dajia River. The track passes several points of interest and offers spectacular views along the way including, the Dajia River Valley, Meizi Bridge and the fault lines of the 921 earthquake, which hit the area in 1999 with a tremor reaching a magnitude of 7.3 on the richter scale.
We really enjoyed our cycle on our morning off, even if we did have to dodge the odd moped who were sneakily using the bikeway. After our adventure, it was back to work, making the final checks and preparations for our brand new range of Ebike samples which should be arriving in the UK this week.